Accueil / Publications / Notes / Repairing Climate Injustice in Africa

Repairing Climate Injustice in Africa

- 27 novembre 2015

The FEP Working Papers ‘Repairing Climate Injustice in Africa’ was coordinated by Benjamin Bibas and the Wangari Maathai Group. It is the result of a series of interviews with 6 figures of the african ecological movement and offers a series of 10 recommendations for COP21 negociators.

Download this document as a pdf:

FEPWorkingPapers7-AfricaAndClimateJustice-EnglishV.pdf application/pdf 1.8 Mo

Il existe une version française de ce document:

COP21: Réparer l’injustice climatique en Afrique

This working paper will be presented during a public conference on the 5th of December 2015 in the Climate Generations area on Le Bourget site.

The conference will be animated by Benjamin Bibas with some of the authors Mildred Barasa (Kenya), Aïssatou Diouf (Senegal), Marc Ona Essangui (Gabon), Raimundo Ela Nsang (Equatorial Guinea) and Gaël Giraud, chief economist at the “Agence française de développement” (AFD), member of the Scientific council of the FEP.

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